forever and everett

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Dear Miracle Baby Boy

22.5 weeks…

Dear Baby Boy
Yep, there it is… another boy! It’s been almost a month we’ve known this news and honestly it’s taken me a while this time to get excited about it! I really thought you were a girl and wanted you to be, but your dad has agreed to try again for a girl so now I’m on board with the idea of saying “my boys”. It was fun pulling out all of Shane’s newborn clothes and knowing we get to see them again on a baby that is a combination of us again! Oh my, they’re soooo tiny!!! 

Noni has already bought you boys matching sweaters! Gramme has already bought you clothes too! She’s really excited because she had two boys so she knows whats in store for us, although she thinks we’re a bit crazy for having you two so close together, but Noni thinks we waiting 7 months too long! Hahaha! 

Daddy is excited about having another boy, although we can’t agree on your name yet! I’ll let you know if we ever do or who won! 
You are cushioned extra inside me, which at first made me sad because I love feeling you move and I can feel you sooo much less than I did with Shane, however since your brother is sooo crazy, it’s most likely Gods way of protecting you more, so I’ve come to terms with it! I started feeing you regularly about 2 weeks ago and now every time I sit still for more than 40 seconds you wake up and are very active! 

In the ultrasound, we saw you moving a lot! The ultrasound tech was all zoomed in on your brain to make sure it’s all good there (it was!) and she said she was chasing you around! You might actually be more active than Shane, so we’re in trouble!

Keep moving, keep growing and try to stay in there til February 6th! 
See you soon, 

Your mama

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Dear Mr. Shane

Dear Shane
At this very moment you are asleep in your daddys arms which is soooo rare for you! But you’re also on your first airplane ride! You’re 12 months and 18 days old! It’s also passed your bedtime! It took you a while to finally give in to the sleepies after nursing for a while, then wanting to explore our seats, cried a little bit when daddy tried to pin you down to get you to fall asleep like you would in your carseat, then you wanted to nurse again and it took forever but you finally fell asleep! Daddy is loving it! 
Before we got on the plane we walked all the way to the other end of the airport where your cousin Zoe and her parents were getting off another flight! That doesn’t happen often that you can meet people at the gate!! 
Your mama has a wicked headache, plus she’s pregnant with your little brother or sister and we hit a big storm that shook the plane a lot and mama is trying really hard not to throw up! This is supposed to be a distraction from thinking about it! 
You made a friend at our gate who is a couple months older! His name was James! You two played with your matching balls and everyone thought you were adorable! You’re wearing your shark PJs and even all the flight attendants, even the boys were ohhing and awwing! 
We’re flying to Denver where mama and daddy lived before we had you! It’s where you were made! We have a lot of friends to introduce you too! We’re staying with the Morrison Family – we lived with them for 3 months right before we moved to Ohio! They have 2 teenagers and a 4 year old little boy that you’re going to love! They also have 2 dogs and 1 cat which you may not love as much! 
Daddy is hoping to hike a lot! Mama is thinking she’s gonna do well to breathe and walk at the same time since she’s out of altitude shape and pregnant therefore she won’t be hiking! 
We can’t wait to take you to church there! We have a lot of friends there!!!! They’re going to love you!!! 
Ok I’m gonna stop writing now cuz it’s not working and I’m getting gingerale now! 

Love you, sleep tight!! 

Your mama

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Dear Miracle #2

Dear Baby #2, 
11 weeks you’ve been with us now!! You’re the size of a lime already! Wow!! So far you’ve been an easier baby than Shane was! You’ve also decided to pop out faster than your brother too but that’s because he stretched your home out for you already!! Do you feel like you have lots of space in there? 
We had an ultrasound last week and by golly you’re adorable! We saw you moving around like crazy – it’s just THE most amazing miracle! 
I am confident I’ve felt you move multiple times already even though most baby doctors say it’s not likely! I know you though…. I’m slightly scared you’re going to be as crazy as your very active brother!!! If you’re a boy, I pray you 2 will be best friends and not enemies! If you’re a girl, I pray you grow up close like your mama and uncle Michael!
Daddy thinks you’re a boy and the crazy dreams I’ve had would agree with that! We have to wait still 9 more weeks before we know!!! We just found out that you’re newest cousin who will be 2 months older than you will be a girl! It would be fun if you are a girl too and you can be great friends with her and Zoe! 
If you’re a girl, we already know your name! We have for a long time! Mommy has had your name picked out for 18 years… No pressure baby! If you’re a boy we may have to wait until you’re born like we did with Shane! 
My prayer is that God gave you the older brother that I always wanted, and that he still knows my desire for a daughter – I want a daughter because I was a daddy’s girl and want your daddy to have that special relationship but don’t fear, if you are a boy I won’t love you any less! I love your brother so much that I’m blown away minute by minute at my immense love for him and know it will be the same for you!!! 
I can’t wait to meet you and start feeling you more regularly!!! Until then I’ll keep trying to eat enough to feed you, Shane and me – but wow that is hard! 
I love you!
Your mama!

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Dear Miracle #2

Dear Baby #2. June 21st, 2016
Well you are different already!! I totally threw up 2 mornings ago. I never actually got sick with your brother, but then again he jumps on my stomach, which may be why I threw up! This Friday we get to see you and I can’t wait!!! At this point in Shane’s pregnancy I had a scare so I’m on edge hoping it doesn’t happen again with you! 
When your brother was in my tummy, the Ohio State Buckeyes won the championship and now with you in my tummy, the Cavs won the Championship!!! It’s a big deal and we’re going to watch the parade tomorrow!! 
I love you already! 7w3d

Your mama!

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Dear Miracle #2

Miracle #2. June 13, 2016
You’ve been with us now for 4 weeks (6 weeks preggo) and already we love you! Your mamas pregnancy has been the exact same so far as your big brothers pregnancy except that I knew you were created 3 days after we made you and I’m way more hungry because I’m still nursing your brother, feeding myself and creating you and your home for the next 8.5 months! There are times I can barely eat food, and then there are times I eat enough for 2 grown men! 
Today I saw a picture of what you look like and and I can see your tiny fingers forming already so as I was washing your brothers muddy hands I was thinking of yours forming in me!! 
We told your Noni and Pops about you already because We saw them in person! We had to tell both your grandparents about Shane through Skype because we lived really far away in Colorado! Anyway we posted a sign on the guest room, evicting them because it will become Shane’s room after you get here and move into his room! We will tell your Gramme and Gramps this weekend while we’re on vacation with then and your cousin Zoe and Uncle Randy and Aunt Steph who is also expecting another cousin for you! 
I am also really tired! So I nap when your brother naps! 
We were planning to wait 2 more months to have you, but God had other plans and knew that we needed you in February instead of April! 
We love you so much! 

Your mama!

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My first mothers day!

Dear My Mr Shane,
We survived our first mothers day together baby boy! You didn’t get me anything but then what should I expect, you’re a baby! You did however wrap your arms around my neck a church in a hug-like fashion for the first time and held on for dear life while smooshing your face up against mine without biting me (lets pretend, in a kiss-like fashion) That was new and wonderful and brought tears to my eyes and so much joy to my heart – you’re such a busy crazy wonderful boy that you don’t stop to cuddle ever. 
I look forward to the years to come where you make me macaroni necklaces, popsicle frames with pictures of us and bring me the prettiest rock! Until then I’ll just continue to give up my life, my sleep, my body, and my time to love you and keep you alive and happy! 

I love you! 

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So long 20’s!

This girl is saying goodbye to her 20’s by watching Les Mis, and eating Rainbow Chip icing with a spoon!

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The 20’s were a good decade! I always loved the roaring, flapper, 1920’s but my 20’s were probably better!

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My 20’s brought:

  • A trip to the country I had always wanted to go to: Switzerland!
  • My 1st Boyfriend
  • who became my Fiance
  • then he watched me get a Bachelor’s Degree
  • then he became my husband!
  • We moved to Denver (Littleton) Colorado for him to get his Master of Divinity!
  • We got pregnant on purpose ;o)
  • and had A BABY BOY!!!
  • Then we bought a house with a yard and a garage and a slide and swing-set!

The only thing I’m missing is a career but who needs one of those when  you’ve got all the other things!

I’m so blessed to have the most wonderful parents who just love me and my family so much. I’m blessed to have wonderful in-laws who love my baby and me too! I’m blessed to still have my best friends from high school – even if we live far away and rarely see each other! I’m blessed to have had excellent health. I have a husband who loves me and tells me every day even if I’m a pain in the butt sometimes. I have a baby who loves me so ridiculously much, that it’s the best thing ever – and he has made me realize how I have a God who loves me that much and more!

Together in our twenties we have climbed Gorgeous mountains, swam in Great lakes, hiked Grand Canyons, adopted a Good kitty, seen Gigantic waterfalls, Giggled with our Growing baby and served the One Great God!


Goodbye 20’s. Hello 30!

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Dear Shanester

Dear Mr. Shane 
– 9 months old –

It’s been a while since I’ve written you, partially because you’re keeping me soooo busy!! You are a crazy one but I love you so much! We also bought and moved into and renovated a house so we’ve been a little busy! You have learned out of necessity how to play a little better on your own but you still want Mumum every chance you get!!! 
You have 8 teeth now! You say Mum, Mummum and Dada. The first time we heard you say Mummy was the middle of the night and your Noni and Pops were asleep in your room and all 4 of us heard you say it! 
You go “on pause” when you’re crawling around which we think is hilarious, and speaking of hilarious, you love to trust fall! First it was off the 2nd from the bottom step on the stairs, now it’s anywhere… The bathtub, just standing in the living room. We’re never going to get you to stand or walk on your own because you just want to fall into our arms! 
Your hair seems to be growing in a bit more, I can twist some at the top to give you an Alphalpha look. 
You love to eat! All things!! You love Lemons, and whatever is on mummums plate you want to eat! You still bite me, my face, my chin, my heels, my neck! I hope we can teach you to stop before you bite other kids but so far you just bite me, not your dad! 
You love to trust fall!! The first time we set you at the bottom of the stairs you climbed up 2, glanced behind you and then free fell and and loved doing that it ever since! 
You love your new room! As soon as it was set up, you pulled all your books off the bookshelf and you crawl around the whole room playing with every toy!   
You are in the middle of a sleep regression which is not fun! You love cheerios and ham. You love bath time. You love chasing Lily and eating her food!! You don’t like dry potatoes or sitting still! You cry every time we trap you in the car seat to keep you safe! You can reach anything on the side tables, tv stand and want it all! 
You love your mommy and sometimes your daddy! You get to see your grandparents a lot and are the most loved baby at church!! Seriously kid… You are loved!! 
I love you so much!

Your mama