forever and everett

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Cougar Camp

Out of the blue the other morning I woke up thinking about Cougar Camp… I haven’t thought about that in probably 8 or 9 years, which is just sooo long ago!!!

It’s actually hard to believe I’m not a freshman in High School anymore or as I grew up calling in; grade 9! Anyways unless you’re Carrie or my brother you probably are wondering what is Cougar Camp? Or if you know me from SAU, you are probably thinking; you were a Cougar in University, where you really a Cougar in high school too!? If you know me well then you know the reason why I initially decided to attend SAU, and that was the Cougar correlation!

CCI – also know as Chatham Collegiate Institute is the High School I choose to attend instead of the High School that was down the street and around the corner from my home growing up. I had to get up really early (7:10 was too early for a morning person), and ride the city buses to the other side of town. But it was worth it! My friendship grew with Carrie into something life-long! AND the experience I got there, the green and white that coursed through our veins, then poured out of our tear ducts. But that’s not what I’m supposed to be writing about….

Cougar Camp, very similar to Cedar Bend. A weekend at the beginning of the school year. Senior students there to assist and make the transition smooth. Crazy fun activities. There we sang a crazy fun song,using rhythm’s with our hands…. I can’t explain it, but I have it on one of our band CD’s. Camp food.

That’s all – such good memories!

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This was a weekend of tailing-a-long… Friday I tailed a long to SAU with Nick. He went to play Frisbee, for the first SAU game of the season – 50+ people turned out to play! I ended up visiting with the Business Office staff and then ended up visiting with Anna for a long time!! It was wonderful! She told me all about her trip to Spain and then all about the beginnings of her relationship and I was honoured!

Walking around campus afterwards, was wonderfully hard. I miss the campus sooo much, I’m sure I can just go to visit with no other purpose than to walk around and reminsce…. The campus gets more and more beautiful and fabulous! I can just picture the life the new students are living, the memories they’re making! I love it! The new dorm makes the campus look like a million bucks!

Then I tagged along to the Eccles house for the 5th Quarter and outreach ministry for the highschool students in their area, a safe place to go after the local game!

Then I tagged along to Ohio for the weekend…. Nick had been asked by his brother to go Tailgate with him! He knew he wanted to go because his brother doesn’t ask him to go to much, and so he really wanted to go! Go Bucks!!!! While he was there, I went shopping with his mom, bought a new pair of shoes, and we went to the movies! Saw Eat, Pray, Love!

Next weekend we go to Ohio again! Soo excited!

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Ode to Move-In Day

I started blogging post University, so I need to blog on here about some of the memories I don’t want to forget – so here are a few pictures from the Move-In Days of past…..
This is me leaving my house for the first time! This is the outfit (with Jean variations) that I wore on the first move in day and every move-in and move-out day whilst at SAU and I even wore it when I moved into the Pollak household…. I might have worn it one of the days that I moved into the house that Nick and I moved into our house…

This is the only picture that I have from move-in day Sophomore year. Even though it’s actually of Mel…. and it might even be of the 2nd day.
These are pictures of my stuff moved into my room of Junior Year!!!

Mel’s stuff was moved in a few days after mine… I got to move in like a week early because I was an RA. I spent the week decorating the floor and learning out to be an RA:

This is technically “move-in day” and these are pictures of my girls moving in:

Kate and her mom

Our room again with Mel’s stuff… we wanted it to look homey- so that the girls would feel welcome to come in have a seat, and take a cookie off our table!

Our next door neighbours: Kaitlyn & Anna (and Anna’s mom)

That guy in the hallway is the President of Admissions… on our floor!
The following pictures are from my senior year! I was the Director of Communications for the Student Government so I was documenting the move-in day Parting at the Plaza ceremony!

All those green people up front are the student leaders for the year, I was supposed to be there, but I got to be on the roof instead, filming the event!

Yep my brother was participating in the events because he had enrolled at SAU – as well as Elise (Kevin’s cousin) soo I got to take this sweet picture!

This is the Parting at the Plaza part… The new students are given a piece of the blue ribbon as a souvenir and then are separated from their parents to begin their new lives as college students!

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The rest of this week is basically JUST work. Between my 2 jobs I’m working a total of 40 hrs the rest of the week – including breaks but not drive time…. and the sad part is I already worked 15hrs. If you want to count the time I’ve been away from home that’s 60 hrs.

Anyhoo yesterday was the only day that I had any version of free hours to myself. What did I do with them? I got a shot that is going to cause me whole body to ache for the next week, I paid $ to get my car fixed – which I don’t think was done properly anyways, then I went to the bank because somehow my pin number got changed so I haven’t been able to use my debit card for a week.

The only joy I got yesterday for myself was the little Timmy’s break Nick and I took while we were waiting for my car, and the 1st String Ensemble practice of the year! I forgot how much I loved going! As soon as I started playing again – I remembered how– I hadn’t forgotten. I did however get moved up to the front row of the 2nd violins this year again!!! No more hiding in the back for me.

We have several international selections – the Danza Final from Estancia by Ginastera (THIS video is WORTH watching!), a movement from a Brahms symphony, What Wondrous Love is This? a Dvorak aria, Gershwin and Debussy’s Clair de Lune – and some cool American pieces, including a piece called Snake River Stomp and Duke Ellington’s Don’t Get Around Much Anymore and Li’l Darlin’ (jazz)!

Our concert will be on November 17, and the Hanging o’ the Greens will be on December 11. We have also been asked to do a special presentation for the Board of Trustees at the Jackson Country Club on Thursday, November 5. That will include an excellent dinner!

Anyhoo – while I was waiting for 5 o’clock I thought I’d stop in and visit people. I stopped in to see Anna – she wasn’t there… I went to M&D – they were excited to see me, I went to see MG – she had just left – I went to the business office and visited with them – then I took a detour through the COM Dept and ran into Jen (my film theory prof) before I ended in the Band Room!

After String Ensemble I picked up Chinese food for Nick and I and while he worked on his independent study – which he’s handing in today, I worked on compiling a list of all of the gifts we received from our wedding and who got us what – so that as I’m using things and appreciating them, I can remember who gave it to us!

Then this morning I got an e-mail from my mom saying that my wedding photographer updated her website and her portfolio and some of my wedding pics are in it! As are Mandy’s!!

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Sunday + Monday: 2 days totally with my Nick! = wonderfulness.

I love it. I love him being unemployed (for now)! The 2 days were filled with laziness injected with Nicks new found enjoyment of keeping the house clean and dishes done. Therefore we probably gained a few pounds, because all we did was eat, watch F.R.I.E.N.D.S., set up our Fantasy Football team, read C.S. Lewis, and Scrapbook. However we did take a walk in the drizzling rain, and we did dance together by candle light. Oh and Nick got a work out when he carried me to bed last night!

I can’t believe it is Sept 8th already…. Sarah McFadeyen moved into SAU yesterday- I thought about her all day!!! Oh the memories…. its soo sad and hard to realize it’s over for me – and I’ve already have been gone a year!! Nick was having a hard time too – its a weird adjustment…. I feel like we need to get out of this area for it to be an easier transition. SAU will always be a part of me tho. I love that place!

Anyhoo, I made chocolate chip cookies off of Mel’s blog – but we only baked 4 of them… we froze the rest of the batter to make a cookie here or there all week or to make this weekend when his parents are here!!!

I worked upstairs on my childhood boxes on Saturday night while Nick was hanging with Tyler!! I got lots accomplished! I’m going to make a real scrappy scrapbook of as many of those memories as possible! I have only 4 double page spreads left of my wedding scrapbook – I can hardly believe it didn’t take me a year to do!!! However I have a whole set of Detail Pics…. and I don’t have any pages left to put them in the book so I need to come up with a creative way to add them to the book….. I love it when I get done with a spread and I love it… Nick just laughs at me, then tells me he loves it too…. cuz that’s what I want to hear!!

You’ll have to come over and look at this book – because I’m afraid it might be too big and heavy to take anywhere… (Jennie- I think its too heavy for even you to lift!!!) Ha. You get the point!

In other news, my finger nails are soooo long right now – but next week String Ensemble starts up again!! So I’ll have to trim them because there is no way on earth I can play with them this long and perfect, sadly. I also should probably find my violin and tune it! This semester we’re playing several international selections – the Danza Final from Estancia by Ginastera, a movement from a Brahms symphony, a Dvorak aria and Debussy’s Clair de Lune – and some cool American pieces, including a piece called Snake River Stomp and some jazz!



The past couple Tuesday’s I have been driving myself to Albion to take care of Hailey and Jennie. I (help) make dinner, I help keep Hailey occupied, while still attempting to let Jennie do as much of the “parenting” as possible. It’s an interesting balance. I also make sure Jennie’s full and her water bottle is too. Last night Jennie enjoyed cuddling with her on the couch for a bit. It was cute to see Hailey all curved around the huge belly.

I also enjoyed feeling the babies moving in Jennie’s belly. I’ve felt babies moving before but I think feeling multiple and very little ones is totally different. It is an amazing part about being pregnant that I am soo excited for. It’s amazing how much you realize that there is a human being (or 4) growing under that swelled up skin!!! Totally amazing!

The night before I drove to SAU after work to bring Nick something. We talked about how exciting it is to have students returning, and how hard it is going to be for him to adjust to not being there anymore. I’ve already had a year of weaning myself off of it, but it’s so hard and something neither of us want to do. We love that place. We have so many friends there, made so many friends there. Anyhoo, I brought him Taco Bell for dinner and shared it with Michael too. He, Adam, Nick and I talked for many moments together and it was a great bonding time. I always love hanging out with my brother!

He has moved in early for Campus Safety Training. His roommates have not moved in yet, but I am soo excited for the friendships he’s made at SAU. They are great guys, and love him for who he is. I hope that this year is better than his other 2 years at SAU all-together! John is gone now due to marriage, but he still has Phil, Neil, Joel, and Kyle. All of the guys went to his house last week to hang out and had a great time. He fed them Turtle Soup without telling them what it was! I love my brother and hope that maybe some wonderful-amazing girl might fall in love with him this semester too!

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Last night I was filled with memories. Memories of the past year and all its’ goodness. Funny thing is I only remember the good stuff, even though I was unhappy with how a lot of my life was going.

As I drove to SAU from Jennie’s last night I was reminded of all the drives back and forth to see my Nick at SAU or in Concord. Then that reminded me of the things we did while I was living in Albion. (hanging out, watching TV, eating Pollak family dinners, walks in the park, watching TV in his dorm room, not going to school but still loving seeing the SAU people, the weird middle phase of my life I was in, ). It’s amazing how the memories seem so real in my mind.

Then once I was on campus and saw K8 and the orange bricked house beside it in shambles with only the front steps still together, I missed my year living with those fun girls. We had so many memories in that old house. Its sad to see it gone, but I know the new building will be filled with soo many more new memories for the students at SAU, just like my year in U-hall. (I didn’t have my camera, but I took a picture on my phone… I think I’ll send the camera with Nick tonight). Nick and I shared our first “I love you” on that front porch….

Then I stopped at Meijer to pick up potatoes and onions for Nicks work dinner tonight and for some reason being there reminded me of grocery shopping on our honeymoon.

Memories are wonderful things. My advice to all people is “make wonderful memories together, for those are the things that will make you smile when you’re sad, alone, bored etc.” I have made amazing memories in my life and I thank all of my friends for being apart of them. Without you they wouldn’t be so cool!

Here is a list that my dad forwarded to me of life-lessons:
Take one of these each day and own it!- (bold your own)

1. Life isn’t fair, but it’s still good.
2. When in doubt, just take the next small step.
3. Life is too short to waste time hating anyone.
4. Your job won’t take care of you when you are sick. Your friends and parents will. Stay in touch.
5. Pay off your credit cards every month.
6. You don’t have to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
7. Cry with someone. It’s more healing than crying alone.
8. It’s OK to get angry with God. He can take it.
9. Save for retirement starting with your first paycheck.
10. When it comes to chocolate, resistance is futile.
11. Make peace with your past so it won’t screw up the present.
12. It’s OK to let your children see you cry.
13. Don’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
14. If a relationship has to be a secret, you shouldn’t be in it.
15. Everything can change in the blink of an eye. But don’t worry; God never blinks.
16. Take a deep breath. It calms the mind.
17. Get rid of anything that isn’t useful, beautiful or joyful.
18. Whatever doesn’t kill you really does make you stronger.
19. It’s never too late to have a happy childhood. But the second one is up to you and no one else.
20. When it comes to going after what you love in life, don’t take no for an answer.
21. Burn the candles, use the nice sheets, wear the fancy lingerie. Don’t save it for a special occasion. Today is special.
22. Over prepare, then go with the flow.
23. Be eccentric now. Don’t wait for old age to wear purple.
24. The most important sex organ is the brain.
25. No one is in charge of your happiness but you.
26.. Frame every so-called disaster with these words ‘In five years, will this matter?’
27. Always choose life.
28. Forgive everyone for everything.
29. What other people think of you is none of your business.
30. Time heals almost everything. Give time time.
31. However good or bad a situation is, it will change.
32. Don’t take yourself so seriously. No one else does.
33. Believe in miracles.
34. God loves you because of who God is, not because of anything you did or didn’t do.
35. Don’t audit life.. Show up and make the most of it now.
36. Growing old beats the alternative — dying young.
37. Your children get only one childhood.
38. All that truly matters in the end is that you loved.
39. Get outside every day. Miracles are waiting everywhere.
40. If we all threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.
41. Envy is a waste of time. You already have all you need.
42. The best is yet to come…..
43. No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
44. Yield.
45. Life isn’t tied with a bow, but it’s still a gift.”

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After a week of challenging driving arrangements due to having only 1 car. Thursday night I got off work at 9 and read book 2 of the Katie Weldon series by Robin Jones Gunn, (my fav. author) while I waited for Nick to come pick me up at 10:15ish and take me back to SAU. He had to work until 3am so I had made plans to stay at Anna’s apt until he got off work, however she wasn’t there. So I called Kelchy and went there instead until about 11:50 when Anna called. She still wanted me to come over even though it was so late so we stayed up and talked for a while before I took a quick nap until 3. Nick and I then dove home.

Friday I worked until 9pm again only this time his dad picked me up from work. He rented a trailer and came to pick up Nick’s car to take it home to get the work done on it cheaper. However since he had just driven 4+ hours we took a little break at the Parlour. I felt bad that Nick was missing out since he was working, but loved hanging out with his dad! Then we drove back to our house, where we proceeded to load up the car on the trailer which was more work than it needed to be – due to a stupid person who rented it before us. I gave the final push that got the car into place. After a glass of cold water, he was on his way home to Ohio with the car. Hoping to return on Sunday with a fixed car and a smaller bill than what we would have paid here.

Saturday Nick drove me to work for 10 this time, and then back home to get some more sleep since he got home at 3:30 the night before. The only good thing about him having to drive me to work, is that we get at good 30 mins of great conversing/reading time! My parents arrived at 2:20ish and began the fun job of painting the upstairs master bedroom and entryway. Nick went to work for 5pm, and my parents picked me up from work at 7pm. They bought us some groceries and then went out to dinner at Finley’s. Again I felt soo bad that Nick was missing out again!! Mom and I shared a delicious broccoli chicken alfredo. The three of us shared an appetizer platter, and I shared Dad’s smoothie with him. Then after arriving back home, I helped my mom put some more stuff away, and then helped my dad paint a little bit. By this point Nick had already talked to his dad and found out, that we were not going to get the car back this weekend….:o( so we have to do the 3am thing again all week! I’m going to be so exhausted.

Nick got home at 3:30am again and apparently we cuddled a lot and the whole time he was thinking that I would be loving it, however even though I had had a full, somewhat confusing conversation with him, I was asleep the whole time!! When I woke up my parents had put the whole bedroom together, and it looked beautiful!! We made a roast for lunch, and enjoyed spending time with my parents. Then Nick and I enjoyed our first afternoon/evening just the 2 of us, with a house in order enough for us to function!!!! He played with his magic cards, I worked on scrapbooking a bit. It is hard to scrapbook when you don’t have the pictures printed but you have the “scraps.” We had grilled cheese sandwiches and tater tots for dinner. It was a totally enjoyable relaxing day for us! I love being married!


WOWzers has this week/end been unique! I worked until 9pm on Thursday and then headed to Spring Arbor where 2 of my good friends from Canada were visiting. (all the bloggers actually) We stayed up talking like girls until 3+ am. (random tangent: does AM stand for “After Midnight”?) The following morning after waking up from my first night sleeping on a floor I drove back to Albion where I quickly showered and packed for Ohio before heading back to work. Nick met me in the parking lot at 9pm and we drove to Ohio that night. It was a long drive, but a wonderful time spent with my Nick! Car rides together are awesome because its JUST the 2 of us!! Love it!! That night I slept on my… I mean his queen sized bed in his room at home! There I got to see my lovely floor length Christmas present!! I missed it…… soon I will have it in our apartment.

Saturday morning began with Nick getting the title on his car put in his name, and then the 2 of us heading out to Pastor Mark’s house for some discussion on the topic of marriage with his wife Deb, whom I love. We have so much in common with their story. She is also from Canada (about an hour from where I’m from) and they met at Spring Arbor! It was lots of fun and I can’t wait to take the quiz he was talking about!

The short 45 min visit turned into much longer so we rushed home to go with his parents to drive out with a truck full of stuff to his brothers NEW house!! He just bought it and it’s beautiful. The carpets are in rough shape but the rest of the house is beautiful. There is a gorgeous fireplace, the kitchen is painted green (which he’s probably going to change). The basement is cool. The house is 3 levels, and a 3 bedroom with 2 living rooms, 2 or 3 bathrooms…. His friend Krista and I put away what few kitchen items they had while they were moving bigger items into the house. Very cool!! Very exciting!! He’s been waiting for it for several months!

We returned to the Everett household where moments after we entered the front door, BBQ chicken pizza followed us in! Then we headed over to Ross & Clare’s for some socializing and TV/YouTube watching/Snuggling on the couch. Joe & Rochelle came over after a while too! It was great relaxing times…. then since the weather wasn’t very nice and it was about a 20+min drive home, late at night, we decided to sleep over…. so I spent my 2nd night out of 3 so far sleeping on the floor.

Sunday brought a relaxing afternoon of looking through songs with MomE, taking a shower, while Nick worked on some homework—- so proud of him – getting his BA just like me! LOL…. Its hard getting used to me not doing homework but knowing that he HAS to do it still!

We enjoyed my favourite homemade Everett meal: Beef and Noodles! We took a few pictures in their gorgeous snowy back yard and then took off in the direction of the Cleveland Caveliers where were watched them toast the Pistons from the center court (except we were up a “few” steps). This was Nicks Christmas present from me! It was a good game and a fun reminder for me – that these people we watch on TV are real people…. I think that’s one of the coolest things about seeing a game live! Delonte made his return which was fun to watch and heplayed well!!! The Pistons did not! They did the same plays, (if it didn’t work the 1st, 2nd and 3rd time, why do you keep trying?) and didn’t get half their shots in the hoop!!

We got back here to Michigan last night at 3:30 am and I was too tired to drive back to Albion so I crashed in Spring Arbor at Melissa’s house! I had to work this morning at 9 and am heading to Detroit area today for my Immigration Medical Exam!! YEAH!!! Hopefully there is nothing wrong with me – so I can be let into the country for real!

That reminds me of listening the American National anthem last night at the game….I realized that I really am becoming a permanent resident of the USA… in my head I still think I’m Canadian…..I Will always be Canadian but I’m almost practically a USA’n…weird – I had some tears last night.